School Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
8:45 am-3:40 pm
Wednesdays: 9:45 am-3:40 pm
It is much easier to reach me by phone between 8:00-8:30 am. I reply to email throughout the day.
Welcome Back to School!
Eighth Grade is a big year as students prepare for high school. Parents and students should utilize this site daily to ensure the greatest amount of success!
Logging into GoogleDocs
We utilize google docs for many of our assignments.
To log in, enter your full email address:
Don't forget the password needs to have the four digit number followed by Newberg: 1234Newberg
Be In The Know
This site will be your best friend this year!
*Everything you need is here: Links to grades and online textbooks (when they exist), copies of every assignment and scoring rubric, calendars for every class with assignment and assessment due dates. . ..
Anytime you have a question, this is your first place to look.
*Please make sure all resources that I supply are being utilized to ensure those pesky grades are as high as they possibly can be.
*That being said, there are times you will have questions and times when your student is confused and needs help. Please email me at any time! I am rarely away from my iPad, and I struggle with sleep, I will usually email right back no matter the time or day of week! :)